CategoryMind Health

Stop Being Blamed for Somebody Else


Nobody likes to be wrongly blamed for something another person has done. A lot of us have experienced the nauseating feeling of mistakenly being accused of something we didn’t do. It’s gut-wrenching and it could take away your appetite. Because of how awful it feels, most of us don’t do it to another person. Yet, we do this to ourselves all the time. We blame ourselves for something someone else...

The Should Bug that Hijacked My Mind


In my lifetime, I haven’t had much in the way of physical illness. The most serious setback I ever had was when I dislocated a bone in my hand and had to spend 6 months in a plaster cast. I’m lucky that I have always been healthy. But even though my body hasn’t suffered many afflictions, my mind has. It has been so full of bugs and loopholes that I failed to realize I needed to release updates...

The Most Nervous Girl in the World with Style


I’m nervous. I was always nervous. I was always nervous about being nervous. Then I was embarrassed. Embarrassed about being nervous about being nervous. Then I felt ashamed about being embarrassed about being nervous about being nervous. Then I … “Stop!!! This is getting silly!” said a voice from somewhere nearby. (I looked around, full circle, but didn’t see anyone. Odd!) This has been the...

One Simple Exercise to Rebalance Your Life


Just like your body needs a balanced diet, your mind calls for a balanced experience. We’ve all heard the expression that “all work and no play makes Jack (or is it Joe?) a dull boy.” This means that the pursuits that energise you and make you feel better afterwards are not just good for your body, they’re nourishing to your mind. But in contrast, there are also things that drain you. The...

Self-esteem Part 3: The Six Principles to Live by to Improve Your Self-esteem


If you haven’t read Part 1 and Part 2 of this self-esteem series, please read them first. This article will make more sense if you do. There are six areas where you can make changes to increase your self-esteem significantly. (1) Live Consciously For all animals, being conscious of their surroundings is critical to survival. Imagine a cat which is not aware of an approaching dog. It probably...

Self-esteem Part 2: What Has Possibly Determined Your Self-esteem So Far?


You have learnt in part 1 that self-esteem is the reputation you have acquired with yourself. You know what it’s like with the reputation you have with other people, right? Once you have acquired it in one place, it’s very difficult to change it. Especially a bad one. Even if you literally reverse your behaviour, it takes consistent and dedicated effort for several years to change your reputation...

Self-Esteem Part 1: What Exactly Is Self-Esteem? And Why Is It Important to Have High Self-Esteem?


Self-esteem is something everyone has heard of these days. And almost everyone thinks they know what it means. But do they really? Being a self-help book junkie, I thought I knew what it meant too – until I read Nathaniel Brandon’s Six Pillars of Self-Esteem. In short, self-esteem is the reputation you have acquired with yourself over your lifetime. You can lie and put on a different appearance...