How to Procrastinate Creatively


The older I get, the more creative I become. This is especially true in one area that I have always been good at in the first place: procrastination.

I am especially creative whenever I need to come up with a write-up. Here are some examples.

Drinking water is good for me

Typing on my keyboard is one activity that strongly reminds me that drinking lots of water is good for me. But water on its own can be pretty boring, so I have discovered varieties of herbal tea over the years as a good compromise.

Sitting at my desk, staring into the screen, I tell myself I want a nice cup of herbal tea … well it doesn’t even have to be nice. If it is something unconventional such as lemongrass or liquorice or turmeric with tea added to the end of its name, I will try it. The only difference is I will grimace when it doesn’t taste great, but I will still drink it, wincing all the way.

With this full awareness, I got up to make my cup of tea. An invisible little voice screamed at me, ‘Sit down! You’ve already had 4 cups of tea within the last 3 hours.’

I nodded and went downstairs to make another cup of tea.

Having curiosity is great

After making the cup of tea, I spent a couple of minutes talking with myself.

‘The tea is doing you good. Besides, your body is 80% water. You need to drink plenty of liquid.’

‘Hang on! Is it 80% or 70% water?’

‘I’m not sure. It could be 90% water.’

‘I’ll tell you what. I’ll google it.’

‘You need to know this basic information about your own body. It’s all part of acquiring more knowledge so that you can write better.’

A couple of minutes went by as I read an article that says ‘it all depends …’

I still don’t know what percentage the water content is.

Hearing a bark outside my window

After a couple of minutes of twiddling my hair, I heard a bark from outside my window. I looked out and saw the big eared dog with yellow and brown patches on his body bouncing on the green in front of my house. He has a long nose and body with a stocky upright tail that wags from side to side without dropping even a degree. His eyes shine with delight and his ears prick up with unbounded eagerness as he looks towards his owner and his canine companion. The most remarkable thing about him is his limbs. He looks as if someone had made him with fine material and workmanship, but when they got to his limbs they ran out of material, so they had to make do with giving him half the length of limbs that he would have otherwise got.

Nevertheless, despite legs too short for his body, he always looks happy and leaps around as high as his limbs can muster. From a distance, he looks rather like an overstuffed bolster. He spends most of his time in the air as if he were participating in a skipping competition while his human looks on with amusement. As his owner moves away, he bounces on and somehow manages to catch up with his master (whose limbs I must say are a lot longer).

After recovering from my bout of giggling, I tried to get back to writing. After all, I really couldn’t miss this show, could I?

Doing something that’s been sitting in the to-do list for the last two weeks

Writing always prompts me to actually do things that I have been meaning to do around the house. Ironing my crinkly tops, washing dishes, doing the laundry, decluttering my wardrobe, stroking my aloe vera plant and telling it what a good boy it has been, looking for my almost-pet spider – all these tasks suddenly assume the top priority that they never enjoy any other time.

Having awareness about the importance of exercise

Writing is the time when I have an acute sense of the importance of exercise. Because of that, I constantly get up and move about to stretch my legs.

As I was engaging in my exercise duty, I ended up in the kitchen. In the fruit bowl, I noticed a mango that had become ripe. It was begging to be eaten, otherwise it would go bad. I cut it there and then. As I ate it, I thought I might as well make that sixth cup of tea …

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